
First start of the generator

13 maj 2018
First start of the generator

After purchasing a generator, the question often arises as to how to start it properly. The Könner & Söhnen range includes generators with manual start, automatic start and built-in automatic standby mode. Generators emit a lot of toxic gases when burning fuel, so make sure the room is well ventilated before starting the generator.

Starting a gas generator

Gas (hybrid) generators can use either gasoline or gas as fuel. However, running a generator on LPG greatly increases engine life. For starting:

    1. Please read the instruction manual carefully.
    2. Check the oil level. Use SAE10W-30 oil for generator operation.
    3. Disconnect the load (consumers) from the generator.
    4. Connect a hose to the gas cylinder.
    5. Open the main gas valve. Use the built-in pressure reducer valve to bleed air from the connecting hose.
    6. Turn the fuel cock on the gas tank to the off position (there should be no gasoline in the carburetor).
    7. Set the choke valve to the center position.
    8. For electric start models, check that the battery is charged, recharge it if necessary with an external battery charger (not included), or start the generator with a recoil starter and let it run without load to recharge.
    9. For electric start generators - Turn the key to the Start position and hold for a few seconds until the engine starts. Turn the key back to the ON position. To start the generator manually, grasp the starter rope and pull it slowly until you feel slight resistance. Pull the starter grip all the way in a sharp motion.
    10. Turn the air damper to the "Open" position.
    11. When starting for the first time, let the generator run without load for a while, until the engine starts running steadily.
    12. Connect the consumers to the generator.
    13. When you have finished working with the generator, disconnect the consumers (load), open the gas supply valve and turn the start key to the OFF position.

Starting the gasoline generator

  1. Please read the instruction manual carefully.
  2. Check the oil level. Use SAE10W-30 oil for generator operation.
  3. Check the fuel level in the tank. Fill it to the required level with AI-92 gasoline. Do not use AI-95 gasoline, as it contains many additives that negatively affect the operation of the generator.
  4. Turn the fuel cock to the open position.
  5. Move the choke valve to the closed position.
  6. For electric start models, check that the battery is charged, recharge it if necessary with the external battery charger (not included), or start the generator with the recoil starter and let it run without load to recharge.
  7. For generators with electric start - turn the key to the Start position and hold for a few seconds until the engine starts. Turn the key back to the ON position. To start the generator manually, grasp the starter rope and pull it slowly until you feel a slight resistance. Pull the starter rope to its full length in a sharp motion.
  8. Turn the air damper to the "Open" position.
  9. When starting for the first time, let the generator run without load for a while, until the engine starts running steadily.
  10. Connect the consumers to the generator.

When you have finished working with the generator, disconnect the current consumers from it by turning the starter key to the OFF position.

Starting generators with integrated ATS system

The built-in auto-start system allows you to control the generator's automatic on and off. If there is a power outage, the system will recognize this and control the supply itself.

Generators with integrated ATS must be placed in a well-ventilated room protected from humidity. Do not use a generator in a residential area, as exhaust gases can poison people within minutes and cause death.

  1. Check the oil level, the fuel level in the tank and whether the battery is charged.
  2. Connect the mains voltage to the corresponding input on the generator panel.
  3. Connect the generator power output to the house's electrical panel.
  4. Place the ATS switch in the AUTO position.
  5. Turn the ignition key on the control panel to the ON position.
  6. Make sure that the total wattage of the connected appliances does not exceed the rated wattage of the generator.

When the ATS system is turned on, electricity is supplied to the connected appliances via the mains supply and the generator battery is charged. If the mains supply is interrupted, the ATS will automatically start the generator to begin supplying electricity to the connected appliances. When the mains supply is restored, the generator will shut down and the mains supply power to the appliances.

To operate the generator without the ATS, do not set its switch to AUTO.

Important recommendations for the operation of generators:

Könner & Söhnen generators are resistant to short-circuits and short-term overloads, but do not allow the station to operate from nominal to maximum power for more than 30 minutes. Keep an eye on the oil and fuel level indicators and refill when necessary (after disconnecting the generator).

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