Behavior in the event of transport damage

DIMAX International GmbH
Once the ordered goods have left our premises, the risk is transferred to the recipient. In case of transportation damage, please follow the instructions below in your own interest!
Please ensure during the goods acceptance that the number of packages indicated on the delivery note matches the actual number delivered!
Since you have to sign the delivery note, later claims for missing goods with the carrier cannot be accepted!
What to do if obvious damage is present upon delivery of the goods:
Two types of transportation damages are generally distinguished:
A) Obvious Transportation Damage
If there are externally visible damages to the shipment, it is recommended to open the delivery in the presence of the delivery driver. Make sure that there is no hidden transportation damage. Check in particular whether the content is damaged or missing.
Indicate the type of damage (e.g., defective packaging, dented casing, etc.) on the waybill and have the delivery driver confirm this by signature. If the driver refuses, make sure to still note the damage and add: "Driver's signature missing, as refused."
If the signature is to be made on a display device, sign slightly smaller and add the note "DEFECT" as clearly as possible. Additionally, the driver should mark the shipment as defective in his electronic data processing (EDP).
In case of doubt: Before accepting a shipment in a damaged condition and possibly having to bear the damages yourself later, refuse the acceptance with a clear conscience and inform us about the damage.
If a driver denies you the possibility of accepting the goods with a damage notation (insists on either a signature without notation or no acceptance), please refuse the acceptance and inform us immediately by email.
Please refrain from accepting the shipment with the note "subject to inspection"! This notation is legally ineffective and has no relevance for insurance companies in case of damages.
We will organize the return of rejected shipments and those damaged during transportation in cooperation with the transport companies chosen by us, of course, in consultation with you.
B) Hidden Transportation Damage
Examples: The carton or pallet is undamaged from the outside, but the goods show damages after opening.
Unlike open transportation damage, the goods were accepted "against clean receipt." No damage notation was made to the forwarder.
Therefore, the burden of proof with regard to the forwarder lies between the sender and recipient. Consequently, complete documentation (photos of the outer and inner packaging, photos of the damaged areas, damage description, etc.) is essential.
Furthermore, such damage must be reported to us within a maximum of 7 days. After that, forwarding companies/package services and insurances assume that the goods have reached your premises undamaged, and the damage is no longer compensable.
Under no circumstances should you return the goods on your own, as transportation damages will no longer be verifiable, and as the sender, you will have to prove that the damages did not occur during the return, which may be difficult to prove in case of doubt. Therefore, we urgently request you to follow the procedures described below in your own interest.
1. Do not alter anything about the goods or packaging!
2. Do not use the damaged goods!
3. Note damaged packaging or shortages in detail and take several photos of the damage and packaging.
4. Report the damage to us immediately. Please describe the occurred damage as precisely as possible and keep the goods, including the outer packaging and original carton, for examination of the transportation damage. We will then contact you immediately and arrange for the collection of the damaged goods if necessary.
General Notes:
We often handle minor transportation damages and minimal repairs in mutual agreement outside of regular transportation damage processing. Please contact us if a minor damage is present. Usually, an uncomplicated solution can be found.
Claims for replacement delivery or refund can only be made by the customer once the transportation damage has been clearly determined or a tracing procedure has been completed.
DIMAX Support Team
Tel.: +4921194289001