
Technical maintenance of generators

5 kwiecień 2017
Technical maintenance of generators

Both gasoline and diesel generators require systematic technical maintenance, which prolongs the life of mini power plants. Let's look at what maintenance of gasoline and diesel generators consists of, as well as the type of work it involves.

Maintenance of gasoline generators

Like other complex mechanical devices, mini gasoline power plants require timely maintenance and, if necessary, repairs to operate efficiently and properly.
Since a power station consists of two independent units – the electric generator and the gasoline drive engine –  the maintenance process can also be divided into two parts:
the mechanical part involves good maintenance of the combustion drive engine;
the electrical part involves maintenance of the generator and the engine's electrical system.
Although any overhaul should begin with periodic checks and measurements, the main action is to refuel the engine. In other words,  if the generator does not start , first check that there is gasoline in the corresponding tank.

In addition, when using a gasoline engine, there are a few simple rules to remember:
— start the equipment at least a couple of times a month;
— check that there is oil in the engine each time before starting;
— at most every 3 months, check the tightness of all the fastening elements of the generator and the engine;
— always clean the equipment of dust and dirt.
Maintenance of the electrical part of the generator consists of measuring the insulation of the windings and the connection cables used. If the values ​​decrease when measuring the alternator when it is cold, the measurements must be carried out again after the machine has been in operation for half an hour under load. Also in the generator section, it is necessary to systematically inspect all the connection terminals and check the temperature in the working areas of the bearings.

Maintenance of diesel generators

Diesel generators , like other high-tech equipment, require timely maintenance, which must be carried out by experienced professionals, since even a small error can cause a serious breakdown and sometimes harm the health of third parties.

Maintenance of mini diesel power plants consists of the following works:
— pre-startup, which is carried out before the unit is connected;
— daily, which ensures smooth and reliable operation of the generator. These activities allow minor faults to be detected and repaired in time and more serious ones to be avoided;
— periodic, monitoring and preventive maintenance. They are carried out once a year, quarterly, monthly and weekly;
— after the power station has worked for a certain number of hours. In most cases, the first maintenance is carried out after 50-100 hours of operation, and the rest every 250-300 hours.

All necessary maintenance work is usually specified in the operating instructions. The maintenance schedule is duplicated on the TM «Könner & Söhnen» generator itself for added convenience.

By following the rules regarding the frequency and quality of maintenance work on your generators, you will extend the life of your mini power station and ensure trouble-free operation of the entire mechanism.

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