
7 tips for extending generator service life

10 de marzo de 2025
7 tips for extending generator service life

Könner & Söhnen Generators: Tips for Longevity

Könner & Söhnen brand generators are reliable devices for both domestic and commercial use, ensuring uninterrupted power supply during power outages. To extend the lifespan of your generator, follow these simple guidelines:

  1. Engine Oil: Always check the engine oil level before starting and change the oil as per the technical specifications. For gasoline and diesel generators, use semi-synthetic oils like Könner & Söhnen 10W-30. This oil meets one of the world's highest quality standards, API SL/CF, prevents the formation of varnish and sludge deposits, and provides anti-seize and anti-corrosion protection.
  2. Filters: Replace fuel filters in a timely manner. Otherwise, blockages and interruptions in the continuous fuel supply can occur over time, impairing the generator's overall performance. The engine also requires a fresh air supply to the system through the air filter. Without proper or timely filter maintenance, all the dust in the filter eventually enters the engine, leading to a rapid decline in performance and ultimately to premature wear.
  3. Fuel: Only fill generators at established gas stations with high-quality fuel. Low-quality fuel contains many impurities that settle as deposits on the tank bottom and in the engine. Over time, this impairs the overall performance of mechanisms and leads to the complete destruction of the fuel system and engine. Gasoline should not be stored for more than 2 months, and diesel fuel for up to 6 months. After six months of storage, fuel oxidation occurs, resulting in more smoke and soot during operation.
  4. Cleanliness: The generator should not be exposed to dusty or damp environments. Ensure that the device is cleaned regularly to prevent short circuits. Before long-term storage, the generator must be covered. The generator should also be installed preferably in a designated place on a level surface to reduce vibrations and mechanical stress.
  5. Temperature: When preparing the generator for winter operation, be sure to follow the relevant storage instructions. Some generator components are affected by low temperatures. Therefore, if the generator needs to be stored for a long period without operation, it must be conserved. It is also advisable to run the generator for 1 hour once a month during seasonal storage without conservation. This prevents premature failure of the piston system.
  6. Load: When operating the generator for extended periods, be sure to monitor its load, as long-term operation at maximum load can lead to overheating of the windings and failure of the alternator.
  7. Running Time: Monitor the generator's running time and pause it according to the instructions during longer operating periods to minimize the risk of overheating.

In essence, proper maintenance, including regular oil changes, filter replacements, and cleaning, is crucial for extending the lifespan of your Könner & Söhnen generator.

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